SOILPAR is a Win 9x/2000 program to estimate soil physical and hydrological parameters using different methods. Hydrological parameters can be estimated from a various number of commonly available soil parameters (according to the method of estimate) such as soil texture, organic carbon, soil pH, and cation exchange capacity. Different methods allow estimating hydrological parameters using either point or function pedotransfers. The characteristic matrix potential/soil water content curve can also be estimated. The programs allows converting different textural classes. A geo-referenced soil database is maintained, including soil profile information, measured and estimated data. Soil profile sites can be visualized on a ArcView/ArcInfo shape file. A backup/restore utility is implemented, and database import/export utilities allow exchanging data with other SOILPAR installations. Soil profiles can be imported/exported using CropSyst SIL format. Methods can be tested and the relevant statistic is produced. The results of the statistical analysis, as well as the couples of measured and estimated values, can be exported to a multi-sheets Excel file.
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